Saturday, March 26, 2016

I Support Friends Who Sell Stuff

My social media newsfeeds are crammed full of posts about wraps, essential oils, jewelry and leggings, makeup and nails, vitamins, natural skin care products and personal development programs and guess what?
I LOVE IT! It's incredible!! 💜It's incredible!
That means I have so many fearless friends out there who are working tirelessly to provide for their families! Who took a leap and chance on something that quite frankly can be scary! They are busting their butts, putting food on the table, gas in cars, paying for dance lessons and sporting events, funding family vacations and college!
Direct sales isn't easy!! Being an entrepreneur is serious work. You have to be vulnerable and bust your tail. Some months can be harder than others...
Most people give up on themselves and quit long before their success comes. Don't let yourself be one of those people!! Often times the biggest thing holding us back is ourselves.
So, to all you hardworking, disciplined, incredibly determined guys and gals out there working your businesses, KEEP GOING!! Keep posting, keep sharing and keep working that grind! I support you and your dreams!
Want to show support for your friends but don't have money?
THAT'S OK! Did you know that just by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts you are helping greatly? Did you know that hosting a party with most companies is free and takes little time or effort from you, yet generates sales, leads, and potential clients for your friends' businesses? Well now you know! So before you grumble and click unfollow, think about a like or a "hey you are really doing a great job with your business, I'm proud of you" instead. After all, isn't it better to see a friend providing for their family than seeing the endless complaints about bad bosses and hating Monday and mean boyfriends and pictures of hamburgers and other drama? Except for the baby pictures....keep those coming!