Saturday, December 12, 2015

Exfoliating Scrub for Men by Valentia REVIEW

Product Review

This is a skincare product from the Valentia line especially designed for men. I was excited to have my husband and 15 year old son test this product out. My son has been experiencing teenage acne across his forehead and we've tried a gazillion other things that really haven't helped much. My husband is 42 and beginning to show some aging. So I signed them up for a trial! 

What we thought:

  • By the second day of using the scrub my son's acne was noticeably better. It had dried up almost all of it by the 4th day. He's already asking for more. 
  • Has natural oils and moisturizers so it didn't cause skin to be dry or irritated.
  • Made my husband's face feels so much smoother after removing the dead skin and deep cleaned pores. 
  • The scrub smelled great, with a very clean scent!
  • It was packaged perfectly for men. 
  • Comes in a large 4oz. jar that is a good deal for the price. 

This Product is also: 
Made in the USA
Cruelty Free
Vegan Friendly 
98% Natural Ingredients

You can order your Exfoliating Scrub for men by Valentia HERE!

We give this Two Thumbs up!

*I received this product free in exchange for my honest an unbiased opinion. 

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